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Trip Planning

Quickly find the lowest rates

  • Stop wasting time searching dozens of travel web sites. Get all of the lowest rates in one place.
  • Compare negotiated rates from your preferred vendors alongside other rates in the market.
  • Take advantage of deeply discounted wholesale rates.

Choose the most affordable options

  • Dynamic travel policies show your employees which options are too costly
  • Policies incorporate all real time market prices, ensuring that cost savings are realized and business objectives are met for every city pair and geography
  • Policies can be configured at the department, office, subsidiary, or even the individual employee level

Identify out of policy travel before
the funds are spent

  • Managers are notified when reservations are made
  • Travelers can be required to provide an explanation for out of policy bookings
  • Managers see market rates and alternative travel options alongside the bookings made by each employee

Reward your travelers for finding

  • Award miles, points, gift cards, or cash to travelers who book especially low cost travel options
  • Measure the savings you generate from rewarding travelers

Keep track of all of the information
you need to book travel

  • Frequent traveler numbers, credit card details, and contact information are stored in one place
  • Information is automatically pre-populated when you make a booking
  • Travel arrangers can access critical information when booking travel for a colleague

Take time to decide whether you’ve
made the right plans

  • Select your seats and hold the fare without buying a ticket for as long as a week
  • Cancel a flight until midnight on the next business day after you buy your ticket and receive a full refund
  • Stores a list of addresses you drive to most often

See your entire itinerary in one place

  • No more searching through emails or logging into multiple web sites. See your flights, hotels, and rental cars together.
  • Create proposed itineraries and book them after getting approval.
  • Plans change? Cancel your reservations and make new ones from one place.

On the Road

Keep track of all of your expenses and
receipts with the Clarcity app

  • No need to carry around a stack of receipts in your wallet. Take photos of the receipts with the Clarcity app and throw the receipts away
  • Add expenses to your report as they happen with the mobile app.

Track your mileage as you drive

  • The Clarcity app uses your phone’s GPS to see where you’ve been.
  • Driving distance is automatically calculated

Use your credit cards everywhere
you can and let Clarcity take care of
the rest

  • Clarcity automatically imports and categorizes transactions from your personal and business credit cards

Post Trip

Quickly see which expenses fall
out of policy

  • Custom limits for each type of expense
  • Identify which expenses require receipts based on company policy
  • Flexibility to require itemization and allocation of expenses

Easy communication between travelers
and approvers

  • Approvers and travelers communicate on a digital message board when exceptions are found
  • Each approver can see messages written by the traveler and other approvers
  • Dialogue between travelers and approvers becomes part of a permanent audit trail

Reimburse employees by direct
deposit using your payroll provider

  • Batch files are pre-formatted for major payroll systems
  • Earn codes ensure that expense reimbursements are excluded from W-2’s and 1099’s

Let us send the payments and mail
the checks

  • Employees select whether they prefer to be reimbursed by direct deposit, paper check or Paypal
  • Bank account details and mailing addresses are collected and securely stored in the Clarcity cloud

Keep your records in the cloud

  • Approved reports are stored indefinitely and accessible through a simple interface
  • Hard copies with receipt images can be created with one click


Sit back while your general ledger
codes are generated automatically

  • Business rules define multi-segment GL codes based on expense types, projects, departments, subsidiaries, or any other accounting objects

Export transactions to your accounting
system with just a few clicks

  • Transactions can be configured for export into almost any accounting system through a simple drag and drop interface
  • No manual formatting or quality assurance required

See who needs to expense their credit
card transactions on one dashboard

  • No need to email statements around the office or keep track of reconciliations on spreadsheets
  • Email reminders alert employees and their managers when transactions are not expensed on time


Know the who, what, where, when, and
why behind your travel spending

  • Break down your spending by type of expense, department, client, employee, or any other metric you want to track
  • Measure the ROI on your projects, meetings, and client outreach by combining Clarcity’s data with your CRM and billing systems

Use the power of your travel data to
negotiate reduced rates

  • Leverage your complete travel spend data broken down by airline, hotel chain, and car rental brand when you send RFP’s and choose vendors
  • Get unparalleled accuracy through the combination of data from travel bookings and expense reports

See who is finding savings for your
company and who is spending too much

  • See total amounts of in policy and out of policy spending for each employee
  • Drill down to individual transactions and compare the amount spent to alternative options available when the booking was made
Ready to try Clarcity?